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Remember how many times you opened a page that was so slow that you decided to close the browser tab. Today, we live in a fast-paced world and we want things to move fast.

If your site loads slowly, it will lose conversions and revenue. On the other hand, if your site loads quickly, it will increase traffic to the site and its ranking in search engines. It is therefore crucial to optimize the speed of your website.

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Why you need Website Speed Optimization Service


You have a website and the loading time of your site is more than 3 seconds. You need to optimize the speed of your website. If you decide to leave your website without optimizing its speed, you risk losing it. You can't reach a high rank and you will lose visitors.

If you need help to reduce your website's page load time, Sabma Digital can help you and offer you the best service. We offer four separate website speed optimization services that will help your website load at maximum speed.

You will find that after using our services, your website will reduce the bounce rate and increase the time spent on the page. If you use our services, you'll also see an increase in conversions and revenue over the course of a year.

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A proper website speed strategy is essential to start optimizing the process. We pursue the website speed strategy outlined to ensure the best results for your page load optimization.

Page speed analysis

First of all, we can analyze and understand the speed performance of your websites using Google Pagespeed Insight, Pingdom and GTMetrix tools. These are the three tools that provide valuable information and performance levels when reporting in detail on your websites. We work on these tools after discovering the errors of the websites.

Google Page Speed Insights

Google Page Speed Insights is one of the best tools for analyzing page load times, as well as the speed of your server. It provides all the valuable information needed to measure a website's traffic and understand its performance. We analyze your website with this tool, which helps us understand your website's traffic and performance.


Pingdom is a tool that provides information about website performance and page load time analysis. It also offers suggestions on how to improve your website. We also use Pingdom to find out the error on your website page.


GTMetrix is one of the tools to find and build detailed reports on websites. This tool is used to get a detailed report on the performance of your website so that we can detect the error in the loading time of your website.

Redundant and inactive plugins

Inactive plugins are one of the causes of your website's slowness. You can choose to enable or disable plug-ins rather than delete them. We can fix page load times by removing unnecessary and inactive plugins from your site.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) uses caching to reduce your hosting bandwidth and make it easier to deliver and play content. It also helps to avoid downtime of your website. Thanks to CDN, we can increase the loading time of your website's pages.

Image optimization

Heavy and cumbersome images are the reasons for the low page speed of your website. You need to optimize images to increase the speed of your website pages. We can solve your problem by optimizing your website images to get the desired loading time of your website.

Reduce HTTP demand

You can reduce the number of HTTP requests required by reducing the number of elements on your website pages. Our developer will work on the HTTP request so that it contributes to speed up the loading time of your website.

A strong caching policy

The cache is often used to store data so that it can be accessed more quickly later. Database caching improves the performance and scalability of your website by reducing page load times. Our team works to create and clear the cache to give you the page load time you need.
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What we offer in our service

Our website speed optimization service offers you a complete solution, including JS minification, CSS minification, CZIP compression and many other services. Let us look at what we can offer you.


Minification JS

We offer a service to optimize the speed of our website in Java Script Minification. We combine all the javascripts and then remove all the unnecessary characters from the interpreted programming source codes. This reduces page loading time.

CSS minimization

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) reduction is the process of reducing the code and markup in your web pages and script files. This process increases the loading time of the website pages. We offer CSS minification in our services to get the best results from your website faster.

GZIP compression

Do you want to speed up the optimization of your website? Our GZIP compression service will solve your problem. Gzip is a way to quickly compress files via network transfers. It allows your web server to provide small files that can be loaded faster for your website. You can increase the speed of your website by using our service.

Image optimization

We offer an image optimization service to increase the speed of your website pages. Our web developers ensure that your website images are optimized to reduce file size without significantly affecting visual quality. Image optimization will offload most of the bytes of your website.

HTML Compression

You will need to speed up your website to improve the visitor experience. We demonstrate the HTML compressor of our service to optimize the speed of the website. The HTML compressor is used to compress HTML code by removing unwanted spaces, line breaks and many other tools.

Optimization of page objects

You plan to increase the speed of your website pages. We offer page object optimization services that help you increase the loading time of your website pages. Page object optimization is a process that has become popular in test automation to improve test maintenance and reduce code duplication.

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DO YOU WANT to increase your site's loading speed?


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